Tuesday, March 25, 2008

PMO Talking Points on Mexican Justice

From Guergis to Harper the party line has been Mexico has its own system of justice - now Martin's ex-boss has stated (probably to no one's surprise) that those involved are holding Martin for ransom, that they have failed to get the required bribe, like the one that worked in his case. So if the PMO has so much respect for the Mexican justice system, why don't they just pay the $500,000 and get her out of jail - since that's the way the system works. By the time all Mr. H.'s minions have visited Mexico, with the attendant costs, they'll have spent that amount anyway.

Or, they could have the guts to call Mexico on its blatant corruption and abuse of its international agreements and start showing some muscle - right, they don't have any, well maybe just enough to attempt to bully fellow Canadians.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Mr. H.'s Boys: Flanagan, Finlay and Now Flaherty

No one has actually come out and asked: " why is Flaherty having these conversations through the media?" "Is this the way the feds and the provinces talk to each other, through press conferences?" Obviously not. Everyone on the MSM had it right today - he wants to try and get McGuinty to take the heat for the disasters in Ontario caused in part by federal economic policy.

The real question is: are Canadians so dumb as to fall for this? If they do, we're in trouble, because this guy's routine is really bad - he wouldn't get past the first cut on any of those "idol" shows.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Finlay Flanagan Affair

I just got caught up on the blogs and saw the latest developments in the Finlay Flanagan Affair - my goodness Flanagan lays it all out for us in his book!! Where is the rest of the MSM on this? (I got to the Macleans article through Far and Wide.) CTV is madly trying to push the poll that no one cares - well first of all 26% care and it's only just beginning. The Liberals just need to keep at it, the way Martin did with the Sponsorship Affair and the cons did with the 'boondoggle'.

Monday, March 17, 2008

My Talking Points on the By-Elections

OK CTV, you must have been really pissed that the Liberals did well, beating a dead horse about Saskatchewan, except for Christie Clark - guess she'll never get asked back - who pointed out that the riding has gone every which way over the years. Well here are my talking points that no one seemed to notice (not that the CBC was interested, no coverage at all): 4 by-elections, 3 women candidates! 3 Liberal victories, 2 of them women! Well done Dion, you are moving towards your 1/3 goal. Good speech by Rae focusing on the negative campaigns of the cons and the NDP. Poor showing for the NDP - yep, their anti-Liberal strategy really works! Strong, intelligent and articulate Liberals, one con who said his riding wanted a voice, no one picked up on that - they thought that since the cons were in power they'd get something for the riding. In your dreams, buddy, Harper doesn't listen to anyone. Didn't here Martha's speech unfortunately.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ah, Mr. Flanagan

Sometimes the old cliches have a particular resonance - 'give him enough rope and he'll hang himself', well, Mr. Undermine Canada from Within, Mr. Patronize and Stick it to First Nations, Mr. Manipulate the Citizenry - too bad, you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar. By the way, has anyone read his "First Nations, Second Thoughts", it's really bad - who would have thought? - he's not very smart.

Foreign Affairs - Really Embarassing

Foreign Affairs has been in the news a lot lately with Naftagate and now that poor woman in the Mexican jail. It seems there is a real problem in that department. They interfered in a democratic process in another country, they can't keep Canadians from being put to death by lethal injection or beheading in a foreign country, they can't help a Canadian citizen get due process from one of our main allies. And then they get that twit Guergis at a sports event saying how bad she feels for the woman but there's nothing she can do, while stating the oh-so obvious that she's in a foreign country - duh! (where do the cons find these people?) Is it possible the PMO wrote that silly little speech?

Yep we can flex our muscles and build our military - but use our brains, develop diplomatic skills, choose appropriate people to represent us to the world, not really Mr. H.'s thing. He should do like he did with Khan before he crossed the floor: ask McTeague to handle the file for him.