Thursday, September 06, 2007

Democracy Denied - Parliament Stays Closed

So Mr. H. doesn't want to face Her majesty's Loyal Opposition just yet? Running scared a bit because he can't figure out what to do next? Ever since Dion and the other Liberal leadership realized that Mr. H. would just steal and repackage every idea they came up with, they've gone brilliantly silent on policy matters. They did give him some advice on the SPP meeting at Montebello, but they knew he wouldn't do anything to upset his puppet master from the south.

The real problem is that he's run out of mini-ideas that keep his base happy and his secret 'integration by stealth' with the US can only proceed if he stays in power long enough for it to be put in place. If he comes out with his real policy positions, he's finished. What to do? What to do?


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