Sunday, January 14, 2007

List of Lies - Oops, Less Than Perfect Truths

I'm starting a list of less than perfect truths from Mr. H. and his men, the few he allows to talk. Feel free to add to the list. Then we can all use it during the election to inform the members of our riding who are not political junkies. The first on the list (not in chronological order):

On Dec. 4, 2005, Harper said: "The party does not have an agreement to pay Mr. Riddell these expenses, and Mr. Riddell has not been paid anything to date."

Well, that pesky court system seems to think differently: Jan 12, 2007, the Conservative party was ordered to pay up to $50,000 to Riddell. "A judge has ruled that the party had no right to renege on an agreement struck with Alan Riddell, who stepped aside as the candidate in Ottawa South so that Allan Cutler, the bureaucrat who blew the whistle on the sponsorship scandal, could carry the party banner in the riding." (Thanks to BCer in Toronto and David Akin for the facts.)