Sunday, January 28, 2007

They Really are Pathetic

First Harper has to send his MPs to school to learn how to be . . . what? something they should have had been to begin with - to learn the skills to do the job their getting paid for ?- what happened to Canadians that they voted for these people when they are so inept - they don't know how to open their mouth without sticking their foot in it, they can't explain H.s policies without wandering in circles, they are outraged at just about everything, they don't seem to care about the citizens of this country, they never go out among them. So what is the school about? - none of the above, it's about how to win the next election, according to their imported neo-con handlers. Fortunately it won't work. By the way - whose dime was that school on?

Contrast that to Dion's democratic liberal gathering where the MPs were asked to contribute, to reflect together what Canadians want, to offer their intelligence, knowledge and experience to the process.

Now, to continue the school analogy, they are out in the schoolyard, trying to make fun of Dion -with attack ads! Did I miss that an election had been called? Is Mr. H. not still supposed to be acting on behalf of all Canadians including those that are Liberal. Are the cons not supposed to be runnng the country, not going to school and playing in the school yard? I can't wait until these pathetic embarassing people are voted out.

If Mr. H. wants to be a schoolboy and waste our money electioneering when he should be running the country, then an election should be called - and right now.


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