Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The "New" Government & Prentice, Baird et al.

I went to the federal government web site to find out about the new health guide and was bemused to see this "new" government thing in the headline. Watching question period, I saw Belinda Stronach refer to it as well. While I have noticed it before, I thought well, the conservatives are not so stupid as to keep saying that after a year, but clearly I was wrong. If they win again they can call themselves the "new and improved" government.

The problem is it's not just humorous, it's pathetic. What does Baird keep saying, "I'm learning...", "I'm studying..." We keep getting told that there's a huge revolution of marvelous stuff in the works, then there's a squeeky little mouse-sized announcement, and then more vast general promises.

Now today Prentice says, "the natives already get lots of money, money's not the solution." Does he say what the solution is - nope, I guess he's still learning too.

So I guess the question is when does the learning stop, and the endless blather about "13 years" stop, and when do the answers start? when does the concept of reponsible government kick in? when will we get "tried and true" and not "new"? My guess is never.


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