Thursday, February 08, 2007

Yes, But Can Harper Engineer His Own Victory?

So rumour has it Harper will try to engineer his own defeat in May. All the media (disappointing as they are these days) keep talking about Dion defining himself, when the real question is who is Mr. Harper. Well, something someone quoted yesterday gives the clue, "he's not a policy wonk, he's a strategist". I'd go one further and say he fancies himself a social engineer. So, maybe he will be able to engineer his own defeat (it will be hard without further revealing his true colours), but I'll bet he can't engineer a conservative victory. Why? - because Canadians aren't stupid! You can't win a Canadian election with pure propoganda and that's all we'll ever get out of this guy.


Blogger Drew Adamick said...

Amen to that!

10:06 AM  

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