Tuesday, April 17, 2007

What is a Senior Liberal?

The Globe says some senior Liberals are not happy with May and Dion. The Chatty Kathys are at it again.

So what is a senior Liberal, or a veteran Liberal? It can't mean that they are senior in position because no one is more senior than the leader of the party. Does it mean that they are old and wise? Well, not wise for sure, because stabbing your leader in the back is just stupid. Maybe just old then, and been around a long time. Now, if in all that time they had been really effective, Dion would be involving them at his side, but that's not likely because Dion's too smart and he would know that they are disloyal types. So they must be old, not so effective and disloyal.

Or, they are the right wing of the party and they are freaking out - Manley and McClelland types. My guess is they are both: one or two Manley "amalgamate Canada, Mexico and the US by stealth types"and one or two old deadbeats.

The question then is: "why is their grumbling a media story?" Slow day in the newsroom or . . . ?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am an old liberal and I believe if is the Rae backers that are causing the trouble...I am very happy with the red/green alliance and would leave the party if Mr.Rae ever leads itand or Manley

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Senior Liberal is one which 2 steps away from the grave.
Anyone want to help me give them the final push?

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We, Liberals,just have to accept that generational change in leadership is painful. "Senior" or "Veteran" Liberal can be taken as "old guard" --- not by age or longevity of service to the Party but of attitude. They are just too tied to the "old ways" and can't imagine doing politics diferently as Dion is attempting to undertake.

10:15 AM  

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