Wednesday, June 13, 2007

How's This For a Theory to Explain Harper's Bizarre Behavior?

I've never been able to figure out what Bush and his gang really want, but, I have to say, it certainly looks like they want control over at least part of the world's oil resources. I've also never been able to figure out how a government can go on failing at soemthing, like Iraq, and not feel like they should do something differently.

So how's this for a theory: in order to control an oil-producing country, you create such chaos that there is no effective opposition. Given this approach, what is happening in Iraq is a success, so of course Bush et al. will continue to do what they are doing.

So how do you control Alberta's oil, well you could try Harper's Firewall approach, or you could destabilize and decentralize the Canadian federation. If this is your goal, then Harper's unprecedented actions of treating some premiers like s.... make sense. The chaos he is creating is then not a failure at leadership, but an initial success - at destabilizing Canada.


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