Monday, June 09, 2008

Too Bad We Have to Wait

Those of us that have an overwhelming distaste for everything for which the current federal government stands have been deprived yet again of the opportunity to send them packing and to have Canada return to its rightful place in our hearts and in the world. I see Dion's position , however. He was ready to go long ago and was beset by nervous nellies who now all seem to have had a shot of testosterone. If they didn't want to go when the initial horror at Harper was at its strongest, the Liberals should go when they can tell the Canadian people clearly and in detail how their government will reshape our future.

People have not talked nearly enough about how much Liberal thinking has been co-opted by the current government. Dion choosing the carbon tax on which to make a stand was very savvy because there is no way that Harper will steal that idea. And Harper is going to look a bloody fool hiding from the Canadian people in his bunker, surrounded by his scheming minions and spewing out pathetic little attack ads.

My only concern is that he will hide there, after proroguing Parliament until the fixed election date in 2009. Hopefully he can't legally do that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, nothing like letting democracy stand in the way of you feeling deprived? 72% of Canadians do not want the LPC any where near the Govt's purse strings right now...and you call that deprived? If an election was held today, the Cons would up their seat total by 10 seats, so, when your felling all mushy and deprived remember...there's a reason 72% are frightened by your party, there's a reason why the Liberals are in opposition. Fix it, win back power..but stop complaining that its someone elses fault, and, that taking away power deprives you of something. billg

10:44 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

I don't normally allow personal attacks under comments but I thought the rest of those perusing the site might find interesting the absurd lack of factual accuracy and the all-over-the map vitriol of some blogflies.

Among other raging inaccuracies: it would have been perfectly democratic to vote down the budget bill with its sly little ant-immigrant underbelly.

1:17 PM  
Blogger Lori said...

Susan, anonymous there is heavy breathing over nothing. If an election were held today, nothing would change.

We've got some great stuff coming out this summer, and we'll have months of uninterrupted access to the people of Canada to get the point across.

It's a new day, Susan. I look forward to being a part of rebuilding and leading the party to victory.

8:02 PM  

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