Saturday, September 13, 2008

If I Were the Media This is How I Would Cover the Election

Over at Far and Wide, an excellent discussion on the dumbed down media and their inability to grasp Dion's rather straight forward policies. They are much more fascinated by Harper's re-shaped image. Maybe those of us in the blogosphere who are appalled and frustrated by the terrible coverage to date on the issues might want to try our hands at headlines and daily updates on content. For example:

"Conservative and Liberal Candidates Take Opposing Stands on the Future of Oil and Gas.

"While the incumbent seeks to make Canada a leader in oil and gas and nuclear energy by allowing sufficient foreign ownership to fund a considerable expansion of these industries, the Liberal leader sees a broad economic shift focusing on new energy technologies to prepare for a future with a predicted shortage of traditional energy and an increasing rise in prices.

Harper is focusing his policies on working with the US to control many of the major oil reserves around the world, especially those in newly deglaciated areas in Canada's north. Dion sees a diverse research and development approach to create new energy sources that will create new sectors in the Canadian economy and lower the energy bill of the average Canadian. Perhaps the most significant difference in their energy policies is the very different focus Dion has put on addressing the problem of global warming and climate change. Harper's energy plan seems not to include any proposed solutions to these issues."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Canada is succumbing to the US media's adoration of the horse-race over the substance.

I would like to see that change, but I am not hopeful.

I think Dion believes that policies matter - and he is right. But if he runs that race on that basis alone, I fear the media narrative will work against the Liberals each step of the way. It certainly has this first week.

12:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In case you've forgotten, it's not the media's JOB to try to sell Dion's Green Shaft for him, it's DION'S job; the fact that he's barely intelligible in English certainly doesn't help, but the REAL problem is that everyone knows that a certain percentage of every dollar that's collected in taxes ends up being skimmed off just to support the bureaucracy that administers those taxes, which makes Dion's promise of "revenue neutral" laughable.

6:45 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

Anonymous, I think you missed my point entirely - I was saying that the media is not outlining the issues, they are discussing sweaters.

11:05 PM  

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