Sunday, April 05, 2009

Politics and Women

I have not blogged in a while because hope has faded, but the Afghanistan law turning women into dogs renewed my need to speak, and then today I watched Politics and it was alomst all men for one hour - only one woman. It boggles the mind.


Blogger penlan said...


Was thinking about you a couple of days ago & wondering why you hadn't posted in a very long time.

After the last election I was devastated that Harper had been re-elected & was really turned off. Things went from bad to worse with the Nov. EU then the prorogation to avoid being brought down. It was a removal of democracy. I actually became extremely depressed.

Over time I realized that "staying away" wasn't going to help anyone other than Harper. I wasn't going to allow him to "control" my emotions any longer. It's just what he would want.

I despise him & his fellow Cons & how they are screwing up this country & all their lies, scams/scandals, & illegal doings. And his complete dictatorialness.

Things are coming fast & heavy now & there is so much that I'm having trouble posting as I can't settle on one thing to post about on any given day.

Anyway, I hope you return & post more as I've always liked your view & your insights. :)

8:14 AM  
Blogger Kirbycairo said...

I agree, Susan, it does boggle the mind. But the fact is that we have been propping up a terribly repressive government in Afghanistan for a while now; one which bestows the death penalty for homosexuality. The media has largely ignored the terrible government and waved the flag instead. I think it is time for people to wake up. Maybe this will be the catalyst.

9:08 AM  

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