Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Emperor's F...ing Naked

I just don't get it. Baird is a buffoon and everyone keeps pretending otherwise. How did this man get elected? His mouth flaps and flaps and nothing comes out. He's so out of his depth that if forced to actually answer a few basic questions about the environment and climate change, he'd be flummoxed. He's EMBARASSING. And to my horror, today another one popped up, a Baird copycat, Del Mastro! Surely we political junkies should not have to be subjected to such cruel and unusual punishment. Come on media, do your job, suggest they go back to school and actually learn something, banish them from the airwaves, do something!!


Blogger Unknown said...

I so agree. When he gets ready to answer a question, his face kind of 'tenses' into a smile, in such a sugery/syrupy style, that whatever he tries to say is totally irrelevant. The facial contortions give new meaning to 'communication is 80% body language and 20% verbal'

5:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baird is an irrelevant windbag. His job is to huff anf puff when Harper needs bluster.

He's kinda like Dave Semenko protecting Wayne Gretzky. He's a thug with limited ability.

9:05 AM  

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