Friday, April 17, 2009

Rogue Prime Minister

As usual the talking heads don't get it. We have a prime minister who simply takes a pot of the taxpayers money and heads off to another country, hiring Americans to help him learn better how to be Bush - where's the outrage? Are there no checks and balances on this man? Is he hoping to be the next leader of the Republican party? Or is it just that in the states you can pay for whatever interview content you want? Did CTV realize they went too far with Duffy and now they won't give him a replacement?

And all this while dodo Finlay is incapable of running EI (just the way she screwed up student grants), layoffs continue in the tens of thousands, numbers of bankruptcies, personal and corporate, are out of sight, services are cut back, not-for-profits that help the unfortunate are struggling not to close their doors. But that's OK because the Fox interviewer is hanging on ego-man's every word.

And while Ignatieff's numbers rise, it's not because he's actually fighting for suffering Canadians, he's just not Harper. Everyone was surprised by the on-going dislike Canadians have of Mulroney, well just hold your breath when Canadians finally turn completely on Mr. H.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

" We have a prime minister who simply takes a pot of the taxpayers money"

We already know about this. It was called "Adscam."

10:12 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

And we all know Harper claimed to be lily white.

11:26 AM  

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