Monday, February 20, 2006

Such Eloquence!

He doesn't want the judges to be inventive - just follow the law. I guess he hasn't heard that we have a system of law based on precedent and interpretation. Pretty hard to be a judge if you're not allowed to think. I thought people said this guy was smart.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Is Anyone Watching

We were well distracted by Emerson, the Liberal leadership non-candidates - but is anyone watching what they are up to? Day is showing his orientation out of the gate - national ID? no gun registry but a people registry -hmm will he want to listen to our phone calls too? Harper is busy doing one thing at a time like he did in the campaign - appoint an ambassador to the US, meet with Charest (no content), go to Afghanistan (maybe) - is there a lack of a coherent strategy or is he just trying to keep us off the scent? He probably asked Reynolds to become a lobbyist to keep us all busy for a while longer. I have a deep sense of foreboding - scary guy is still real scary to me.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

What's with people and Belinda Stronach?

A Canadian Press release on CTV referred to her as the 'turncoat'. Andrew Coyne just can't stop talking about her - negatively. The language used against her by the Conservatives was truly shocking when she crossed the floor - the same people who of course now have Emerson. Why is it that men simply cannot abide a blond that is anything but a sex symbol? It just sticks in their craw that she is just as smart as most of them, probably richer, more self-controlled for sure, and has the courage to dress in something other than politics grey. Come on guys - grow up.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Sea of Men

Does anyone else ever get tired of newsclips with an endless sea of yelling men waving their arms, raving about yet another perceived outrage. Don't they have anything constructive to do?

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