So far I've been sort of drive-by blogging on my site - not a lot of time in a day - not one of those stay at home moms subsidized by the state - anyway, what really amazes me is the complete lack of discussion on root causes that seems to characterize everything that is in the public domain concerning our world - two fundamental issues that underlie almost all the world's problems - dependence on oil and the oppression of women.
Wherever there are problems, they are in countries oppressed by what used to be the US alone but "now we're Bush's suck-up buddy Canada" us too, so that we can have oil and economic dominance. How can anyone not remind themselves and everyone else that the Americans created Saddam, they created the Shah of Iran (remember him) and they created Bin Laden. It is short-sighted policies that have created a far worse situation in those countries than if they had evolved on their own. Colonialism and our support of it are destroying hundreds of countries around the world - we encourage and support dictators, leaving the population absolutely devastated by poverty and disease.
The second issue is the oppression of women. What is the best way to oppress women - say God told me to do it - fundamentalist religion, maybe even religion period (the jury's out on that). Societies where women are not oppressed are strong, vital, peaceful, evolving countries. To the degree a country and its religion oppress women that is the degree to which they are in collapse. So Canada should seriously consider the slippery slope it's on - on the news last night they were using the euphimism 'stay at home families' as something conservatives want to foster. What may I ask is a stay at home family?! I thought the conservatives didn't like 'welfare bums'. No that's doublespeak for 'stay-at-home moms', can't you just taste that apple-pie?
Well, more on this later, I have a paper for a conference to finish and then I have to go to work.