Thursday, March 08, 2007

Everyone's a Strategist

The media and the blogosphere are buzzing with criticism of Dion's lack of decisive policies. I can no longer resist adding my perspective. First, whatever Dion is doing I'm sure it's intelligent and well-considered and will surprise people.

Second, if you watch Harper's methods, they're all about watching what the public respond to in what the Liberals have said, then taking their concept, reshaping it so that it is far less, but sounds the same, and then throwing money at the greatly downsized version. So the more Dion reveals, the more Harper pretends to believe in Liberal policies. Clearly it does not help the Liberals for Dion to lay it all out for Harper.

Were Harper to win a majority, which is highly unlikely because I think the Canadian citizenry is too astute for that, he would drop all his fake positions, and proceed full tilt with the ones he really believes in, and those are clear from the policies he has actually created himself: control of the judiciary, downsizing the role of the charter, expanding the military and its combat role, getting women out of the work place, etc. etc. but most of all he would try to turn Canada into an authoritarian state, by concentrating all the power in the hands of a few.

If you're not convinced, make two lists, one of what Harper has initiated, the other what he has copied from the Liberals. It will be very telling.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting. Whatever Dion's doing is bound to be smart, yet everything Harper does must be stupid/stolen.

They're people. Dion's inexperienced in this type of politics, and he's getting conflicting advice from various factions in the Liberal party. He's going to make mistakes. Harper is going to do things that work.

Life is not as black and white as the Liberal press releases claim.

2:25 PM  

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