Why Are We Really in Afghanistan?
Fowler wrote a very interesting review of The Unexpected War by Stein et al at http://lrc.reviewcanada.ca/index.php?page=Alice-in-Afghanistan. In it he makes a good case between the lines for ending Canada's mission in Afghanistan but he also highlights very important facts, for example: NATO-trained Afghan troops, supposedly there to help perpetuate the Karzai government, number 22,000 while the private militias of warlords etc. number 120,000; “a UN source estimated that of the 249 newly elected deputies [of the Karzai government], 40 were commanders still associated with armed groups, 24 members belonged to criminal gangs, 17 were drug traffickers and 19 faced serious allegations of war crimes;” “after more than five years of increasingly intense warfare, the conflict in Afghanistan reached a grim milestone in the first half of this year: U.S. troops and their NATO allies killed more civilians than insurgents did, according to several independent tallies," and more. . .
We need to educate ourselves since Mr. H. and his minions can't and we need to let him know that listening to the voice of the people of Canada is the right thing to do and that he knows that from the polls, which he scorns as he does our voice.