Friday, May 30, 2008

The Tip of the Iceberg - the Lurking Theocrats

Check out Sensenbrenner (the Naftagate Leak) and you find out how deep the no longer secret agenda goes. Apparently a close friend of Mr. Day, Sensenbrenner, as the Star reported yesterday, is the son of Wisconsin Republican Congressman James Sensenbrenner known as a right-wing right-winger in the heart of the fundamentalist Christian world - well there you go guys: no, Harper and his minions have no secret agenda!!

It gets better - rather worse - Gerry Chipeur, who introduced Sensenbrenner to the embassy officials leads one to the Christian Legal Fellowship (CLF), to which Stockwell Day and to my horror Senator David Smith are connected.

The tag line for the CLF is "Integrating Christian Faith & Law since 1978" and it is a self-described "national not-for-profit, charitable organization founded in 1978 out of the conviction that the vocation of law is a calling from God. With God's calling comes the responsibility and stewardship of integrating Christian faith and law. As Christian lawyers, law students, legal professionals and interested friends, we recognize the privilege and responsibility of joining together as a national voice to affirm our Christian convictions."

"The association, among other functions, explores the complex interrelationships between the practice and theory of law and Christian faith. While having no direct denominational affiliation, the CLF has nearly 500 active members from over 30 Christian denominations working in association together to proclaim, love, and serve Jesus Christ through all that we do in the practice of law."

Is this what Canadians want?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Surely It's a Crime

The leader of a leading western democracy uses sensitive confidential information, provided to him only in his capacity as a leader representing a nation, to interfere in the election process of another democracy - surely this is both a crime on the international stage and a crime against the people of Canada. Mr. H. is an ideologue and, as for all ideologues, the end justifies the means, and for all their lily white self-professed virtues, it's all cunning, expediency, lies and cover ups. It would seem this ideology, while framing itself as a paragon of democracy, actually has as its goal,the end of democracy. What then is Mr. H's ideal world?

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Kudos to Travers

What a story in the Star by Travers - real journalism is still out there - well done!! Signs Point to PMO Leak in Nafta Leak

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Vic Toews - Thy Name is Hypocrite

Well thanks to Don Martin who revealed this interesting side of Mr. Toews oh so self-righteous morality. Let's see in the language of the old bible belt: he has commited adultery and fathered a bastard and all with a "much younger woman"- a veritable paragon of virtue.

In the words of Don Martin in the National Post: "But the 55-year-old Mr. Toews' public face of self-righteous morality is now clashing with his troubled private life. An MP dubbed the "minister of family values" by Liberals is embroiled in a messy divorce after fathering a child last fall with a much younger woman."

It's like I said in a previous post - for conservatives, one way or another, it's all about sex.