Monday, March 08, 2010

Another Incremental Step Toward "Dictatorship" Courtesy the Treasury Board?

Remember when you read this: "paranoia" is the word people use when their strategies are unmasked.

So let's put together the "incremental" steps to eliminating all those pesky institutions and voices that cramp Harper's lust for power:
1. Create a deficit by using all surpluses to pay down the national debt, and pass a law making this mandatory;
2. Cut the GST to ensure that there will be a deficit;
3. Spend to ensure that there will be a deficit;
4. Start the propoganda war that cuts are coming to reduce the deficit;
5. Appoint Stockwell Day to the Treasury Board to engineer the cuts.

Day's step 1: Move toward eliminating the public voice on boards to institutions you are planning to dismantle. Check out the full list at and be sure to note some of Mr. H's pet peeves: the arts, the environment, institutions that keep Canada Canadian, checks on the exploitation of our resources, transportation, all scientific and humanities research funded at a national level, and our old age safety net!

And don't forget how many watchdogs he has dumped already.

Thanks to "Soxaphone player" who commented today on the brief CBC on this topic. In a nutshell:

"Boards aren't necessary in a dictatorship. The money saved can help towards the cost of flying the Fuhrer and his cabinet monkeys to various assorted photo ops. Maybe even spring for a new Sea-doo for Doris Day."


Anonymous Larry said...

"flying the Fuhrer"

As soons as any Lib alludes to Nazism for the Conservatives, you have lost all credibility, no matter how profound your arguement.

10:50 AM  
Anonymous Larry said...

BTW, spending to ensure a deficit was the Liberal hallmark in the 1970's when deficit spending was started under Trudeau.

10:51 AM  
Blogger Frunger said...

These are just a bunch of patronage positions, most of which have been sitting empty.

Wouldn't you applaud steps to reduce the patronage in Ottawa?

What makes us 'Canadian' is not our balooning government labour force.

Although I'm not discounting the likelihood that some of these institutions may get the axe in the near future. It's probably going to happen to a few of them.

Less board members won't stop the opposition and the media from screaming about every lost government job though. There will be more than enough shrill voices when that time comes.

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larry, be sure to tune into the CBC series, Love, Hate and Propaganda.

Of course, we all know that services that conflict with the catechism of the Alliance Church Party will be first on the chopping block.

1:20 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

Did anyone get the point "incremental steps towards eliminating all checks and balances, all voices of dissent or even varying opinions, the end of democracy"!!???

2:03 PM  
Blogger Prostatitis Epididymitis said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

3:49 PM  
Anonymous ts said...

Speaking of dictatorships...does anyone remember about the time that party of a few years back (i forget the name) was awarding money to ad firms in return for little or no work, while those firms maintained party organizers or fundraisers on their payrolls or donated back part of the money to the said party to ensure that their candidates get elected and keep the wheels of theft turning.

I along with many Canadians remember being sickened by this abuse of power and thinking it was like something that would happen in a third world dictatorship, not in Canada. I also remember being disgusted when the inquiry into it was instructed to not assess blame on the government in question.

I wish I could remember who it was...

1:12 AM  

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