Fox News North
There is a silver lining to the news of Fox News North (much as it sickens me to think Canada has become so stupid) and that is that the likes of that Kory Teneycke and mouth face from the prairies won't be on CBC anymore!! They are like the oil spill spreading their self-righteous claptrap and polluting everyone's waters not just their own. Now maybe we can contain them to their own little oil pond.
Maybe there should be a law in Canada that only the "smart" people get to decide who can watch what. What kind of arrogance is inside a person that they feel the need to call other people stupid because they watch or read a different news channel or even a newspaper...and this goes for the Cons as well with the constant sniping at CBC. I'm not sure if you noticed but, Fox News is at its peak and the US has a Black Democratic President. More news, lots of news, right news, left news, immigrant news, Alberta Oil Sands become a scary person when you actually think you know more then person next to you.
Repeated spin one-liners, emotional yelling outburst, personal attacks and one incorrect non-fact after another are not news.
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