PMO Talking Points on Mexican Justice
From Guergis to Harper the party line has been Mexico has its own system of justice - now Martin's ex-boss has stated (probably to no one's surprise) that those involved are holding Martin for ransom, that they have failed to get the required bribe, like the one that worked in his case. So if the PMO has so much respect for the Mexican justice system, why don't they just pay the $500,000 and get her out of jail - since that's the way the system works. By the time all Mr. H.'s minions have visited Mexico, with the attendant costs, they'll have spent that amount anyway.
Or, they could have the guts to call Mexico on its blatant corruption and abuse of its international agreements and start showing some muscle - right, they don't have any, well maybe just enough to attempt to bully fellow Canadians.
Or, they could have the guts to call Mexico on its blatant corruption and abuse of its international agreements and start showing some muscle - right, they don't have any, well maybe just enough to attempt to bully fellow Canadians.